Saturday, July 31, 2010

LOTW - Please Vote!

Congratulations to kaleandkiara for her winning layout this week! (image is linked - be sure to go and leave her some love!)

And don't forget to vote in this week's LOTW poll!! This is the final weekly vote before someone wins the LOTM!! :) Very exciting!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

LOTW Winner + New Poll Opened!

Congratulations to amy who won LOTW this week! Here is her winning layout!

Be sure to check out her gallery and leave her some love on her winning layout!

And this week's contest has begun already - so get your votes in by clicking here.

Saturday Scramble

Check out all the goodies you can get for 2.00bucks each today!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sneak Peak!!

Check out what we have coming for you in August!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday Scramble!

Check out what we have in the store for 2bucks today only!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Speed Scrap tonight!!

LOTW Contest at DSM

We're starting up our LOTW contest at DSM. After the weeks are finished, all weekly winners will be entered into the LOTM and the winner of the LOTM gets a 50% off coupon at the end of the month!

Go here to check out the contest and make your pick!

Saturday Scramble

Ceck out what you can get in our store today only for 2 dollars each!!

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